Print-ern-ship / Rose Harris - Print Club London

Print-ern-ship / Rose Harris

As I sit down to write this, I am worried about two things: firstly, I have never written a blog before. And secondly I am worried I won’t be able to express quite how amazing my experience at Print Club has been so far. Bear with me, readers.
I applied for this position having just graduated from a degree in printmaking at Brighton, though I never dreamed that a place so well established would choose me for their ‘Print-ern-ship’. The link promoting it was passed around my course mates, which made the application even more nerve-wracking- now, for the very first time, my cohort had become my competition.
The portfolio I sent the Print Club consisted exclusively of etchings (my specialty for the past three years), so, I was not expecting to hear back. The fact I did was a serious confidence booster, as I left university without a clue as to how I might get my career going.
Screen printing wasn’t something I was particularly used to when I arrived here, so, although I don’t think of myself as a timid person, I began my internship feeling incredibly shy. What a difference three weeks makes! I still marvel at how everyone is so willing to help, to suggest ideas, and just to check how you’re doing throughout the day- from the founders, Kate, Fred and Rose, to the short term members. This sense of togetherness and support completely astounded me. Like so many people, I’m not good at asking for help, which generally means I have to screw things up quite majorly before finally working out what’s right.
The ‘Print-ern-ship’ offers full access to the studio, a desk space surrounded by other creative graphic designers, textile designers and fine artists AND an exhibition at the end of the placement in their own gallery. One day a week I also assist as technician in the studio- either trying to help other members or printing for the club or other corporate projects. It’s not only a fantastic way to learn and perfect techniques but it’s also afforded me a tremendous sense of belonging and offered me the chance to meet so many different people. All I can think about is how I never want this experience to end. As my time here goes on, I will continue to update you on what i’m up to, my work, whats going on at Print Club and exhibitions I’ve visited- keep an eye out !