James Joyce ‘100 likes’ Exhibition at Colette, Paris - Print Club London

James Joyce ‘100 likes’ Exhibition at Colette, Paris

James Joyce 100 likes gallery at Colette Paris
James Joyce has recently exhibited at the Colette store in Paris featuring ‘100 likes’ silkscreen prints and paintings.
The word ‘Like’ has become pervasive in today’s culture. It is used constantly in sentences when it is not required, but is also a much sought after reward in social media to boost egos and show popularity for users posts.


James Joyce Monochrome likes print at Colette Paris

‘James Joyce’s Like paintings take a neutral and ambiguous position. They can be read as both a reflection of a vacuous culture defined by a word that has lost it’s meaning, endlessly and mechanically repeated, or as a celebration of ‘Like’ as a positive expression, transformed from its former passive status by its modern active context.’
James demonstrates that ‘Like’ as a word, and also an action, has come to sum up today’s internet generation.


James Joyce 100 likes gallery in store at Colette Paris


James Joyce preparing for 100 likes exhibition at Colette

James Joyce is a London based artist and designer and studied at Walsall College of Art at Kingston University.
Images credits: James Joyce and Colette Instagram

