We go to great efforts to package your print perfectly! We have spent years searching for the best tubes with a good circumference so as not to damage the print. Our prints are packaged in recyclable card tubes, made in the UK and from an eco-friendly supplier.
When we package a print we know how to roll it in relation to the paper grain and we also wear white gloves to ensure we don’t get dirty fingers on the print. However when the artists works they may not be quite as delicate and you may find ink spots or small marks on your print that are not intentional but are part of the handmade process. We only send out prints that the artist has signed and therefore these marks are part of the print!
When removing your print reach in with CLEAN HANDS and gently twist the print to make it smaller, slowly pull the print out from the centre. DO NOT pull quickly at a corner as you will create creases!
**Please note that print sizes may vary slightly**