Anthony Burrill’s Archive of Printed Ephemera - Print Club London
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Anthony Burrill’s Archive of Printed Ephemera

Anthony Burrill has just launched his new website, A.B. Archive, dedicated to his lifetime collection of printed ephemera. This inspiration source may come as no surprise since he is well known for his typographic, text-based compositions in his silk screen prints.
By definition, ephemera are objects that when they were produced, were not intended to last a long time or were specially produced for one occasion. This makes Anthony’s collection all the more amazing and shows the time that has gone into creating such an archive.
The site includes everything from stencils, postal labels, receipts and car tax certificate. It documents a wide range of his inspiration from his early days as an artist.
Anthony Burrill archive printed emphemera
Anthony Burrill archive printed emphemera
Anthony Burrill archive printed emphemera


You can see Anthony Burrill’s persuasive, up-beat limited edition screen prints here.

